Strategies for an Interconnected World
In the late 1980's, Dr. Jeff Luke of the University of Oregon undertook a research project to find out why some communities were more successful dealing with difficult issues and solving complex problems.
His answer came after he studied community challenges in which multiple groups came together, ones in which no one group had clear ownership over the problem or the process.
Jeff found the primary factor for success was a certain type of leadership, which he called Catalytic Leadership.
Catalytic Leaders engage and motivate others to take on leadership roles and work toward a shared vision.
Dr. Luke decided that the skills of Catalytic Leadership are teachable. In 1989, he brought together Catalytic Leaders from around the country to train Pacific Northwest leadership.
Thus The Pacific Program was born.
Catalytic leadership involves the strategic application of the following leadership skills:
Raising Awareness: Focusing Public Attention on the Issue
Forming Work Groups: Bringing People Together to Address the Problem
Creating Strategies: Stimulating Multiple Strategies and Options for Action
Sustaining Action: Implementation Strategies and Maintaining Momentum
Thinking and Acting Strategically
Facilitating Productive Work Groups
Leading from Personal Passion and Strength of Character

Want to learn more? Contact us:
The Luke Center for Catalytic Leadership
PO Box 630
Salem, OR 97308-0630